Hope and Friendship Bake Sale Huge Success Massachusetts
The Hope and Friendship Bake Sale was a Huge Success!
Thank you Joyce, Christine, Kayla and Steve for a very successful bake sale! The bake sale took place outside of the Dollar Tree in North Reading on Saturday October 11th. Friends and family of the Hope and Friendship community donated many delicious homemade baked goods to be sold. We raised over $600 dollars for the foundation and we were sold out by the afternoon!
Paint Night Fundraiser for Hope and Friendship Metastatic Breast Cancer Foundation Massachusetts
Great Night at the Paint & Wine Lounge in Haverhill, MA. Thanks, Shawna!
We brought friends, colleagues, neighbors and family to support our great cause offering the only Metastatic Stage IV Breast Cancer Support Group north of Boston! $15 per painting was donated to our foundation! Thank you to The Paint and Wine Lounge, 57 Wingate Street, Suite 103, Haverhill, MA, 978-891-3527. Seating for 40 people! Pink flower with or without ribbon, October 24, 2014!
Book your fun night at The Paint & Wine Lounge in Haverhill, MA by clicking on the cheese platter below:Everyone who came out for the event had a great time! Below are some pictures of our creations.
Annual Metastatic Breast Cancer Network Conference in Chapel Hill attended by Metastatic Breast Cancer Support Group Members Massachusetts
Celebrating Life, Finding Hope and Making Friends at the 8th Annual Metastatic Breast Cancer Network Conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina! 2014
Thank you to MBCN.org for another extremely informative, hopeful and well-run conference for those of us with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer and our caregivers. There were even friends who came from Europe and Canada this year! Hello Linda, Bob & Bailey!
Peter Devereaux Hope and Friendship Metastatic Breast Cancer Support Group Member, Rest in Peace, Brother Massachusetts
Rest in Peace, Brother.
We are all very sad to have lost one of the good guys on August 21, 2014. Our beloved friend, Peter, age 52, lost his battle with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer. He was inspiring, a strong advocate who got the word out that “Men get Breast Cancer, too”, and shared that his breast cancer originated from exposure to toxic drinking water at Camp Lejeune, where he was stationed as a Marine for 2 years in his early 20’s, 30 years ago. He was one of 84 men from Camp Lejeune with breast cancer, the largest cluster in the US. We’ll keep the advocacy and fight going in his memory. Love to his lovely wife and daughter, family, friends and the thousands of people who were drawn to him. He was that special guy you wanted to learn more from and spend time with.